Let's talk about us

Our company was born as a company artisan of decoration and customization and accomplice an era of great stylistic changes, is transformed, over the years, cultivating the trend to innovate and experiment with new creative solutions for coatings.

Our creative coatings© low thickness are the result of a constant work of research and experimentation; new materials, ecological, hygienic, performing, hypoallergenic, combined with new technologies and ancient knowledge, give life to performing surfaces, eco-friendly, breathable, antibacterial, recyclable at the end of life, products that respect man, the environment and animals, for a better quality of life and for a new idea of contemporary living.

What do we do

What we do reflects what we like. Far from the fashions of the moment, linked to the values of Italian culture, of life made of work and pleasure, we like to "dress" the surfaces with the philosophy of those who put spontaneous life first, the opportunities seized on the fly and not predefined models.

We design and produce creative© low thickness coatings, designed to integrate with surfaces and develop unique and exclusive design projects.

Culture of innovation.

The vision of Pixie group is guided by the continuous research that helps the development of new ideas, to arrive at new innovative products that promote housing welfare and a new perspective of contemporary living, respecting the environment, people and animals, on which to build new business models and new production processes.



The environment in which we live deeply influences our inner life; it is therefore necessary, for our personal well-being, to empathize with living spaces, establish a positive connection between us and the space around us and create environments in harmony with us, where we can "feel good". If we can spend our time in better quality environments, then we will also improve our quality of life. It is from this concept that we take inspiration; we design and produce creative©coverings to create environments in harmony with one’s inner life.


Social responsibility

Pixie group bases its social responsibility on all research and development projects: for us it makes sense to innovate if the results of research activities are sustainable, in a world where resources are increasingly scarce and the problem of the environmental impact of production activities is increasingly serious and felt.

Natural raw materials, sustainable technologies (low energy consumption, zero emissions of pollutants), completely recyclable products at the end of life; these are the pillars on which the eco-friendly approach of the Pixie group is based.

Pixie graphics

The graphic department of Pixie group supports the customer in the development phase of the decorative project, be it standard or customized, with graphics and rendering services so as to have, in preview of the production, a clear perception of the final result.

Pixie Research Lab: research and development

Main vector of research, development and innovation of our products, composed of highly specialized technicians, the Pixie Research Lab is dedicated essentially to the development of new products, new technologies and the search for new materials, thanks to continuous experimentation and constant monitoring and selection of innovative raw materials offered by the market.

It also provides dedicated technical support, with updated solutions adapted to the needs of the distribution network, businesses, designers, designers and professionals involved in the sales processes of our products.

P_Project Lab

How do ideas come about?

From a thought, from our childhood memories, from what surrounds us and strikes us, from Art, from philosophy, from cinema, from music, from our dreams, or from certain places like P_Project Lab; an environment where different experiences generate ideas, a place where the interweaving of different activities generates new strength for inspiration. A space where creativity is applied to different fields and becomes a place for sharing ideas, projects and products.
P_Project Lab is the space where our dreams are born, develop, take shape, become "Products".
Where our dreams become ideas.
Where our ideas become low-thickness creative© coatings!


We organize periodically, in the company, in external accommodation facilities, with customers and distributors, moments of meeting and training for the professional growth of professionals.


Made in Italy                                                   

Like pieces of art shaped by one hand.
This is how our creative© coverings are born, exclusive products that combine design, craftsmanship and technology, 100% Made in Italy.

Customer service

Customer service is of primary importance in the PIXIE group corporate project and involves a reliable and dynamic organization, with human resources that offer passion, expertise and dedicated technical and commercial assistance, for the proper use of our products.


Thanks to the experience gained over time, the continuous and meticulous search for new ideas, new technologies compatible with the ecosystem, Pixie group today represents a point of reference for designers, architects and design studios involved in the complex contract market, whose boundaries range from corporate to retail, from marine to public space, from hospitality to health care, including residential.