Consistent with our business idea that leads us to direct research towards the development of innovative and above all useful products, we have created a new coating that expands the design horizon and defines a new concept of exclusivity; la via dei sensi©, exclusive scented wallpaper. The perfume has the power to evoke a memory, arouse an emotion, fix an image in memory, give pleasure and joy; with the exclusive scented wallpaper la via dei sensi© Pixie group wants to propose an idea of style that goes beyond what you see; Original fragrances combined with technical fabrics and exclusive decorations tell a story of harmony, air, light, scent, to arrive at an exclusive sensory experience in a perfect alchemy that surprises a moment before seducing.

Thanks to an advanced and exclusive technological process, the fragrance is integrated in the parade and then gradually released into the environment, embellished by its changing over time, the evolution of the notes that compose it and that are an integral part of the olfactory pyramid.

The creative coverings la via dei sensi© are suitable for cladding in any type of indoor environment, even wet. 

Technical characteristics:

  • Fragrance always active; 
  • High elasticity and high resistance to abrasion and wear; 
  • Surface waterproof and anti stain; 
  • Resistant to temperature, light and non-yellowing; 
  • Low thickness that allows the installation on any type of surface without the need to dismantle the existing; 
  • It does not emit harmful substances either during laying or after and has no harmful effect on the environment, for the health and welfare of people and animals; 
  • It does not produce vapor barrier; 
  • the surface therefore "breathes" freely, contributing to the regulation of the microclimate of the environment and promotes the well-being of living; 
  • Prefinished coating for simple, quick and non-invasive laying; 
  • Available with natural effect surface;


Stroking the surface of the scented wallpaper la via dei sensi© amplifies the release of fragrance and so, a simple coating, turns into an exclusive sensory experience. The creative coverings la via dei sensi© as sartorial dresses dress with magic and perfume the surfaces that wear them, and the canons of excellence that characterize the production 100% Made in Italy give value and authenticity to each product.